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First-rate interim in-house legal talent, on demand and at reasonable terms.


We are the alternative legal service provider (ALSP) that redefines the collaboration between legal departments and lawyers.

Increasing workload, special projects, sick leave, parental leave or ensuring continuity while hiring for permanent positions – legal departments are increasingly faced with the question of how to cope with bottlenecks.

Through our technology and data-driven approach combined with our high-performing team, we offer legal departments a unique solution in these special situations. Through EQWAL, corporate clients can access highly qualified interim legal talent with in-house experience who are ready to augment capacity within the shortest possible time. With EQWAL, corporate clients can deploy highly qualified in-house lawyers for temporary assignments or staffing shortages – at short notice and at reasonable terms.

When in-house team support is needed for a limited timeframe or large project, EQWAL has distinct advantages compared to giving work to law firms.

Chief Legal Officer
International media platform

We could not have asked for better support for our very specific needs. EQWAL has recognized those needs and provided a perfect staffing solution.

General Counsel
International automotive supplier

The lawyer was a valuable addition and was able to work independently. This brought the relief I had hoped for. The EQWAL assignment showed me that previous in-house experience is critical to getting things done.

General Counsel
International financial services provider

Very good alternative to secondment!

Technology company from the healthcare sector

It was rewarding to see how quickly an external colleague can feel like an in-house team member. EQWAL has helped make sure that the professional and personal parameters are a fit and that we can focus on the work that needs to get done.

Legal Department Lead
Leading soccer media platform

For Clients

With EQWAL, corporate clients can deploy highly qualified in-house lawyers for temporary assignments or staffing shortages – at short notice and at reasonable terms.

Thanks to EQWAL, legal departments work more efficiently and more agile. At the same time, they reduce their costs and can utilize their resources more flexibly. Corporate clients of all sizes – from small startups to large global players – use EQWAL to flexibly access legal talent and overcome temporary capacity bottlenecks.

We pride ourselves on only providing legal talent with outstanding professional and personal qualifications. They are high-performing, think entrepreneurially and bring a pragmatic and business-minded approach.

What our customers say.

For Lawyers

With EQWAL you can take your career to the next level and work in a self-determined and flexible way. EQWAL is for lawyers with high commitment and excellent professional qualifications. Our interim in-house lawyers are high-performing, inquisitive and think entrepreneurially.

We are the right place for you if you want to support leading corporate clients from different industries in their legal challenges and develop your skills and know-how continously. With EQWAL you will become part of a unique network at the forefront of doing things in a better way. Take advantage of the opportunities and diverse potential we offer. We are your reliable companion – with us you will be walking toward a successful future in the changing legal landscape.


Industry knowledge and expertise

EQWAL was developed by lawyers for lawyers and is tailored to the legal market of today and tomorrow. We know that the legal challenges facing corporates and their legal departments are becoming increasingly complex in a globalized world. Better quality work needs to be delivered while budgets tend to stagnate. We are intimately familiar with the opportunities and the diverse potential of the legal market of the future.

The right interim legal talent at the right time

EQWAL only admits top-notch legal professionals into its pool of candidates. They master the most complex legal tasks - reliably, results-oriented and in the shortest possible time. With EQWAL, corporate legal departments and highly qualified in-house lawyers become a match at the right time and with the right terms.

Wide range of services

Leading companies and highly qualified lawyers rely on our comprehensive service. From the selection of suitable candidates, to the structuring of assignments and the drafting of contracts, to the possible reassignment or replacement - EQWAL takes full care of the administration of the assignments.

Branchenkenntnis & Expertise

EQWAL wurde von Jurist:innen für Jurist:innen entwickelt und ist auf den Rechtsmarkt von heute und morgen zugeschnitten. Wir wissen, dass die rechtlichen Herausforderungen für Unternehmen und deren Rechtsabteilungen in einer globalisierten Welt zunehmend komplexer werden. Wir kennen zugleich die Chancen und das vielfältige Potential des Rechtsmarkts der Zukunft.

Die richtigen Jurist:innen zur richtigen Zeit

EQWAL nimmt nur erstklassige Jurist:innen in den Kandidat:innen-Pool auf. Sie meistern die komplexesten rechtlichen Aufgaben – zuverlässig, ergebnisorientiert und in kürzester Zeit. Mit EQWAL finden Unternehmen und hochqualifizierte Jurist:innen zur richtigen Zeit zueinander – unkompliziert und schnell.

Umfangreiches Service-Angebot

Führende Unternehmen und hochqualifizierte Jurist:innen vertrauen auf unseren umfangreichen Service. Von der Auswahl passender Kandidat:innen, über die Einsatzstrukturierung und Vertragsgestaltung, bis hin zur möglichen Weiterbeauftragung oder Nachbesetzung – EQWAL kümmert sich vollumfänglich um die Administration der Einsätze.